Ram Charan's Bollywood debut movie Zanjeer is currently going its regular shoot which is directed by Apoorva Lakhia. B-Town's leading lady
Priyanka Chopra is the heroine. the film is simultaneously being shot in Hindi & Telugu.
While the film
is simultaneously being shot in Hindi and Telugu, both Priyanka and Ram Charan is working very hard to perfect their diction in Telugu
and Hindi respectively and accepted the challenge to master their dialogue delivery. News
has it that both 'PC & RC', as they are fondly called, have been of great
help to each other as they both are stuck in similar situation. Every day after pack-up the co-stars would spend 2 to 3
hours brushing up their language skills helping each other with their
respective languages.An insider says that unit members have laid a
bet of Rs. 500 on the two actors as to who would
forget their dialogues first i.e. Priyanka in Telugu or Ram in Hindi.
And at the end of the shoot, winner takes all! So far, neither PC nor RC has made a single
mistake.The film is Produced by Reliance Entertainment, Amit Mehra and Flying Turtle Films, Zanjeer is set to hit theatres this summer.
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